Business Basics
Business Basics builds a solid understanding of the cornerstones for business and provides the foundational groundwork of establishing yourself as an Entrepreneur.
One Page Plan Kick Off
Mission (General Video)
Mission: Digging Deeper
Finding Your Company Mission Exercise
Submit your Vision & Mission to Stephanie
Submit Objectives to Stephanie
Submit Strategies to Stephanie
Action Plans
Submit your Action Plans to Stephanie
One Page Business Plan Sample & Template
Watch Steph Building a One Page Plan
Prioritizing Expenses As You Grow
Reading Financial Statements
Sample Financials
When to Hire A Bookkeeper
How to Price Yourself
How to Design & Check Pricing on a Service Package
Pricing Calculator
When To Sell & When to Market
Stages of Business
Dealing with Overwhelm
Breaking Habits
Bigger Than You
The Control Tendency...
Being Coachable (Most of Us Aren't!)
You MUST Not Do It All
The Science of Profit & Play Introduction
The Science of Play & Profit
Science of Play & Profit Powerpoint
When & How to Reach out for Help
If you're avoiding work...
Why Habits Matter
FREE PREVIEWSample Sales Activity Tracker
The Dreamboard
FREE PREVIEWQuarterly Events
FREE PREVIEWFinding Good Events
FREE PREVIEWMorning Routines
Inner CEO Meeting
FREE PREVIEWInner CEO Meeting Handout
FREE PREVIEWSuccess Schedule
Success Schedule Template
BEFORE You Start (Or Right Away!)
WHILE Running Your Business
Why planning your day matters & how to (From March 2019 Coaching Call)
Website Building Training
SEO Basics
Know your Strengths...
You will develop a detailed step-by-step actionable plan to follow to achieve your ultimate business goals
You will understand your businesses finances beyond profit & losses and be able to use this information strategically.
You will have a firm grasp of the progression of business and be able to plan for the challenge each presents before they actually occur
You will have the tools to overcome common mental blocks entrepreneurs and small business owners encounter
You will have a sneak peek into habits & rituals successful entrepreneurs and small business owners live by and will be able to implement them into your life as well