Course curriculum

  • 1

    December 2018

    • December 10th

    • December 24th

    • December 31st

  • 2

    January 2019

    • January 7th

    • January 14th

    • January 21st

    • January 28th

  • 3

    February 2019

    • February 4th

    • February 11: One Thing to Accomplish

    • February 18: Something to Pull You Forward

    • February 25: Add This to Your Morning Routine

  • 4

    March 2019

    • March 3: Do You Run Your Day?

    • March 11: How to Get Daily Motivation

    • March 18: Complaining without presenting a solution...

    • March 25: Problems are Gifts...

  • 5

    April 2019

    • April 1: Clean Slate Club

    • April 8: Determination to Succeed

    • April 15: Fall In Love!

    • April 22: Friend Power!

    • April 29: The Mirror Neuron

  • 6

    May 2019

    • May 6: Taking Action

    • May 13: Be So Good!

    • May 20: Compete With You!

    • May 27: Your Future & Your Past

  • 7

    June 2019

    • June 3: Procrastination & You

    • June 10: Tough Situations

    • June 17: Elephants....

    • June 24: Worth Noting

  • 8

    July 2019

    • July 1: A History Lesson

    • July 8: Getting Dividends...

    • July 15: The Power of the Past

    • July 22: Frogs...

    • July 29: Complaints...

  • 9

    August 2019

    • August 5: New eyes...

    • August 12: Optimism...

    • August 19: The Ice Cream Sundae

    • August 26: Fear of Failure

  • 10

    September 2019

    • September 2nd: The Future Depends on Today

    • September 9th: The Hunt For Treasure

    • September 16th: Expect Greatness

    • September 23rd: Marble Tiles

    • September 30th: Momentum

  • 11

    October 2019

    • October 7th: Intrinsic Value

    • October 14th: Vince Lombardi

    • October 21st: Read Between The Lines

    • October 28th: Putting In the Time

  • 12

    November 2019

    • November 4th: Gratitude Through Pain

    • November 11th: Destiny

    • November 18th: "When You Get Where You're Going..."

    • November 25th: The stranglers and the wranglers

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    December 2019

    • December 2nd: The Butterfly

    • December 9th: Doubts as Traitors

    • December 16th: Passion

    • December 23rd: Merry Christmas

    • December 30th: Two Pebbles

  • 14

    January 2020

    • January 6th: Welcome to 2020

    • January 13th: Planning Or Working

    • January 20th: Self Care

    • January 27th: The Problem with Perfection

  • 15

    February 2020

    • February 3rd: Lessons from Christopher Reeve

    • February 10th: Lessons From the Dyson Creation

    • February 17th: What Geese Teach us

    • February 24th: Be Inspired by Oprah

  • 16

    March 2020

    • March 2nd: Fresh Start

    • March 9th: What you Focus On Expands

    • March 16th: Why I Don't Do Motivation...

    • March 30th: What Happens If You Fail?

  • 17

    April 2020

    • April 6th: Reconnect This Week

    • April 13th: Your Beliefs & Your Growth

    • April 20th: Daily Tracking

    • April 27th: Breaking Barriers

  • 18

    May 2020

    • May 4th: Lessons from Concertos for Business

    • May 11th: 5 Keys of Business

    • May 18th: Profit Versus Paycheck

    • May 25th: Practice and Level Up!

  • 19

    June 2020

    • June 1st: Be Public With Your Commitments

    • June 8th: You Have Come Too Far

    • June 15th: Your Profit Distribution Daydream

    • June 22nd: The Meaning of Life

    • June 29th: You Are Unstoppable

  • 20

    July 2020

    • July 6th: The other side of the pond...

    • July 13th: You can fail anywhere...

    • July 20th: A Denzel Washington Quote

    • July 27th: Enjoys the Downs ...

  • 21

    August 2020

    • August 3rd: Utilizing the Subconscious

    • August 10th: Weekends...

    • August 17th: Motivational Quotes Abound

    • August 24th: Hard Work & Talent

    • August 31st: Be Unstoppable

  • 22

    September 2020

    • September 7th: Knowledge is Power

    • September 14th: Momentum Builds

    • September 21st: Concertos In Business

    • September 28th: Change Is Hard

  • 23

    October 2020

    • October 5th: It's not hard to play the violin

    • October 12th: The 1st Rule of Success

    • October 19th: What we learn from Africa

    • October 26th: Your Slips & Surges

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    November 2020

    • November 2nd: Recessions Create Opportunities

    • November 9th: Paintings and Patience

    • November 16th: The most challenging meditation

    • November 23rd: Gratitude Gives Us Enough & More...

    • November 30th: Entrepreneurs are GREAT!

  • 25

    December 2020

    • December 7th: Why Waiting Sucks

    • December 14th: Failure is Part of Success

    • December 21st: Creating a Great Environment

    • December 28th: Babe Ruth

  • 26

    January 2021

    • January 4th: The Vision Statement

    • January 11th: Madam CJ Walker

    • January 18th: The Pedestal

    • January 25th: Nourish Your Soul

  • 27

    February 2021

    • February 1st: Haters

    • February 8th: Too Busy

    • February 15th: Something to Pull You Forward

    • February 22nd: Lessons From The Bow - Rest

  • 28

    March 2021

    • March 1: Energy Advantage Refresher

    • March 8: Choosing a skill to learn

    • March 15: Step Into Yourself!

    • March 22: What Serves You

    • March 29: Be a Leader Worth Emulating

  • 29

    April 2021

    • April 5th: Goal check!

    • April 12th: A Lesson from a Virtuoso

    • April 19th: Focus on a Win

    • April 26th: Cut the chain!

  • 30

    May 2021

    • May 3rd: A Manga quote...that is surprisingly fitting

    • May 10th: Business Role Models

    • May 17th: Feed Your Soul

    • May 24th: Finding a Weakness

    • May 31st: Write an Article...

  • 31

    June 2021

    • June 7th: Input and Output

    • June 14th: Breath, Trust & Let Go

    • June 21st: Confidence

    • June 28th: Something to look forward to

  • 32

    July 2021

    • July 5th: Independence Day Musings

    • July 12th: Getting Started

    • July 19th: What is Motivation?

    • July 26th: Winston Churchill said...

  • 33

    August 2021

    • August 2nd: A conversation with a business owner...

    • August 9th: Giving Grace...

    • August 16th: Scales in Business

    • August 23rd: The Key to Motivation

    • August 30th: Take a Leap Forward...

  • 34

    September 2021

    • September 6th: At the end of the rope...

    • September 13th: Shoedog

    • September 20th: Two steps to motivation this week

    • September 27th: Where does motivation come from...

  • 35

    October 2021

    • October 4th: Finding Focus

    • October 11th: I walked into a jewelry store

    • October 18th: You have too much potential to not do this.

    • October 25th: Goal Review

  • 36

    November 2021

    • November 1st: Finding Nemo

    • November 8th: Plant a tree today

    • November 15th: ACTION

    • November 22nd: Do You Appreciate Yourself Enough to...

    • November 29th: The Gratitude List

  • 37

    December 2021

    • December 6th: Effort

    • December 13th: I'm learning a new piece on the violin...

    • December 27th: Makeup and progress...

    • ACTION

  • 38

    January 2022

    • January 3rd: Super Monday

    • January 10th: Is procrastination a super power?

    • January 17th: The power of connection

    • January 24th: Did I do my best?

    • January 31st: A question of abandon...

  • 39

    February 2022

    • February 7th: The silver shell on my desk...

    • February 14th: The future me...

    • February 21st: A different type of Monday motivation...

    • February 28th: Why you're so awesome

  • 40

    March 2022

    • March 7th: Your Motivation Room

    • March 14th: Does Support Impact Motivation?

    • March 21st: Where Does Your Motivation Come From?

    • March 28th: The List

  • 41

    April 2022

    • April 4th: What to do when you're hemorrhaging clients...

    • April 11th: A question of favorites...

    • April 18th: The derailed morning

    • April 25th: An Overview of How Motivation Works...

  • 42

    May 2022

    • May 2nd: I was sitting on the couch, glowering at Matt....

    • May 9th: The notebook I didn't want....

    • May 16th: What's motivating you?

    • May 23rd: The Power of Small Practice

    • May 30th: How EQ impacts motivation

  • 43

    June 2022

    • June 6th: I went to tiktok for motivation...

    • June 13th: Exercise your time management muscle

    • June 20th: The ROI that hadn't shown up yet

    • June 27th: What Happened in NYC...

  • 44

    July 2022

    • July 5th: The Power of Bold

    • July 11th: What You Track Matters

    • July 18th: Determining Your Self Worth

    • July 25: The Week I Ran 39 Meetings & How I Handled It...with Motivation!

  • 45

    August 2022

    • August 1: What NEW Can Do

    • August 8th: Listen to YOUR One Thing

    • August 15th: Take A Moment With Me To...

    • August 22nd: When I Was Burnt Out...Not That Long Ago...

    • August 29th: What Would Make You Happy?

  • 46

    September 2022

    • September 5th: The root of self care....

    • September 12th: Following up on 8-22...

    • September 19th: Pure Motivation...

    • September 26th: What I Learned from Learning The Greatest Showman

  • 47

    October 2022

    • October 3rd: I saw a comment on Facebook

    • October 10th: The person you are today...

    • October 17th: A quote from Harrison Ford

    • October 24th: When you're more frustrated than motivated...

    • October 31st:The impact of batch work on motivation

  • 48

    November 2022

    • November 7th: Changing Motivators

    • November 14th: The power of a bright red lip for motivation

    • November 21st: Ten Things I'm Grateful For

    • November 28th: Bison & Motivation

  • 49

    December 2022

    • Dec 5: The morning routine and why it may not be working

    • Dec 12: Sensory triggers and motivation

    • Dec 19th: Build your toolbox of motivation

    • December 26th: Big Goals & Small Goals

  • 50

    January 2023

    • January 2nd: Not everything will work every time...

    • January 9th: Prevention is Everything

    • January 16th: "You have greatness inside of you!"

    • January 23rd: How "Do Less" Affects Motivation

    • January 30th: Resilience and motivation and how the two play together

  • 51

    February 2023

    • February 6th: Where do these motivations come from?

    • February 13th: Scientia Potentia Est

    • February 20th: Adding one thing for an ounce of prevention

    • February 27th: I Am Entrepreneur (A Poem)

  • 52

    March 2023

    • March 6th: Your energy levels are an indicator...

    • March 13th: A reality check on time...

    • March 20th: The point of retreating...

    • March 27th: An intentional start to your week

  • 53

    April 2023

    • April 3rd: The Clean Slate Club

    • April 10th: Get extra sleep...

    • April 17th: Using tasks to create motivation

    • April 24th: What would you do if....

  • 54

    May 2023

    • May 1st: Momentum Builds

    • May 8th: How to Feed Your Motivation (Literally)

    • May 15th: Your Past & It's Impact On Your Future

    • May 22nd: Your Surroundings & Your Motivation

    • May 29th - Build A Life That You Don't...

  • 55

    June 2023

    • June 5th - The Hungry Donkey

    • June 12th - Unexpected Benefits of Delayed Shipping

    • June 19th - Starfish On the Beach

    • June 26th - Motivation from Atomic Habits

  • 56

    July 2023

    • July 3rd - Advice is Like Sand

    • July 10th - Why Like-Minded Matters

    • July 17th - To Lean In or Lean Out?

    • July 24th: The Power of Showing Up

    • July 31st: Planting Trees and Growing a Forest

  • 57

    August 2023

    • August 7th: Intonation Issues on the Violin

    • August 14th: 200, 300, 10,000 and you

    • August 21st: Passion Creates Action

    • August 28th: Profits and Paychecks

  • 58


    • Sept 4th: Why Marketing Videos Matter So Much

    • Sept 11th: There's Nothing Wrong with Short Term Hustling

    • Sept 18th: The Best Way To Build Self Care

    • Sept 25th: Your Favorite Thing - Your Least Favorite Thing

  • 59

    October 2023

    • Oct 2nd: Motivation is an Inside Job

    • Oct 9th: Set a Starter Goal

    • Oct 16th: The Physical Side of Motivation

    • Oct 23: Taking A Break

    • Oct 30th: The more you do something...

  • 60

    November 2023

    • Nov 6th: Whatever you're dealing with today...

    • Nov 13th: Zig Ziglar's Quote on Goals...

    • Nov 20th: Gratitude is Underrated

    • Nov 27th: Hard Work Beats Talent

  • 61

    Dec 2023

    • Dec 4th: I almost screwed up...

    • Dec 11th: Your own journey

    • Dec 18th: Slow Progress

    • Dec 26th: Time for Rest

  • 62

    January 2024

    • Jan 1st: The Weight Of The Past

    • Jan 8th: Take Responsibility

    • Jan 15th: Work Hard, Play Hard, Rest Hard

    • Jan 22nd: Cultivate Creativity

    • Jan 29th: The Most Powerful Question in Business

  • 63

    February 2024

    • Feb 5th: Make A Game

    • Feb 12th: The blue eyeshadow...

    • Feb 19th: Gratitude Lists and Brain Chemistry

    • Feb 26th: When you're feeling overwhelmed...

  • 64

    March 2024

    • March 4th: One Small Step

    • March 11th: Build A New Habit?

    • March 18th: Get A Dopamine Boost

    • March 25th: When It's Just Not Working...

  • 65

    April 2024

    • April 1st: Lesson Learned from a Fantasy Book

    • April 8th: There's a Solar Eclipse...

    • April 15th: Three Ways to Make Progress

    • April 22nd: Assess Your Goals

    • April 29th: Ambition is the Path to Success

  • 66

    May 2024

    • May 6th: What if it's not you?

    • May 13th: Be Unapologetic

    • May 20th: Spinning Your Wheels?

    • May 27th: A Spark of Motivation

  • 67

    June 2024

    • June 3rd: It's not your job to like me...

    • June 10th: A Good Plan, Executed Now...

    • June 17th: Dealing with Excuses

    • June 24th: Eyes on the Stars

  • 68

    July 2024

    • July 1st: Want to Get Motivated?

    • July 8th: When You're Spiraling

    • July 15th: What About Trust

    • July 22nd: Effort and Results

    • July 29th: A Tip From Motivating Your Team

  • 69

    August 2024

    • August 5th: Remember the Journey

    • August 12th: The Power of Perseverance

    • August 19th: Innovation & Creativity

    • August 26th: Focus On Legacy

  • 70

    September 2024

    • September 2nd: Adaptability is Key

    • September 9th: Embrace the Unknown